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My Ikebana and Nature Style Aquariums

Miranda Marie

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On 11/14/2022 at 11:54 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How many were you??

Team of 2 ? If so, then imagine the time it would take alone!

Two and a half. XD Two of us tried for a while, got frustrated, and called in reinforcements. She tried a bit and also failed. So then I tried by myself and figured out how to scare them into the breeder box with a bit of careful maneuvering. 

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Update: Everyone is settling in well! The two RHL have claimed the large piece of driftwood in the front of the tank as their cave, and seem quite pleased with it. There's a decent hole underneath it, lots of nooks and crannies, and a large smooth stone which the smaller one loves to sit on. So until I figure out if I can find some coconut caves, they seem satisfied with the natural crevices route.

Meanwhile, the female betta - now known as Andromeda (Romie for short) - seems more interested in her reflection than the rest of the tank. The sides definitely look mirrored from the outside, and I am unsure how to combat that. She isn't really flaring or acting worked up, but she spends most of her time with her nose to the glass. Any thoughts on minimizing her reflection would be greatly appreciated!

Some pictures of Romie settling in:




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  • 4 weeks later...

Update!! Today, I spotted a new little friend in my 20g long. This is my first ever fry so I'm pretty excited! 🥰 If anyone has any idea how old he/she probably is, I'd love to know. I'm thinking he's probably at least a month but I have never had any babies before so I'm just guessing. 😆 


The link is a 30 second video with one of the adult clown killis in it for size reference.



Edited by Miranda Marie
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/5/2023 at 12:55 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Any updates?

Sure! The Ikebana aquarium is filling in amazingly. The crypts are looking magnificent. They hardly melted at all and now have a ton of new growth. I'm wanting to propagate some of them to move them to the twenty gallon because they're the prettiest plants I have ever managed to grow. Stem plants hate me LOL, even pearlweed barely grows for me. So this is a great surprise! Apparently rooted plants are where it's at for me.

The twenty gallon is looking amazing too and the new little fry I found is growing rapidly! It's definitely a male, because the tail is turning bright red and blue! It's so cool to have a fry survive in a community tank somehow. The pair of adults was also seen spawning again today which is always fun to watch. The 20g does need a trim though. 😆 




Edited by Miranda Marie
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On 1/5/2023 at 7:15 PM, PineSong said:

Both tanks look great. You've inspired me to put some more root tabs under my one only crypt!

They sure do love root tabs! I put a ton in the bottom of the bowl when I started it, and it's probably getting around time to add more soon. So far, it's worked wonders! They're growing quite quickly for crypts.

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On 1/6/2023 at 12:53 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Your plants are really making me want to use ferts…the only one over here which isn’t stupidly expensive is Tetras “PlantaMin” the name says everything.😂

It's crazy how expensive things are getting. I'm just glad Aquarium Co-op's ferts aren't too bad money-wise. 😶 I have heard you can make your own root tabs for cheap but I have never done it myself. Might be worth looking into?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/26/2023 at 8:38 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How’s the betta? 

She's doing amazing! She's completely stopped glass surfing/chasing her reflection and is now very chill! She adores the bowl of crypts and spends a lot of time playing in them/exploring among them. 😆 She's by far my favorite Betta I've owned to date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The long awaited trim has been completed, as well as adding in additional substrate because the original aquasoil had compacted down too far for the plants to stay rooted anymore LOL. Still deciding if I will cap with the white stones I had before or leave it red... I'm a bit worried the red fluorite will be a little too rough on the hillstream loaches long term (so far they seem unphased), and I can't decide if I like the red or if it feels like "too much" anyway. 😆 I'm leaning towards it feeling like too much right now but I'll sleep on it.

Now to just wait for everything to grow back out of the "bald" phase. LOL. The tank always looks so empty after a big trim.



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  • 5 months later...
On 7/18/2023 at 11:08 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How’s the betta bowl doing? 

The plants are doing fabulous and look great! I really need to do a deep clean on it and get new photos. 😆 It's been a while since I did. But Romi the betta is dealing with a bit of a bacterial infection of some kind, so I am trying not to stress her while she is going through med treatment. 💙 So a plant trim and new root tabs are being held off until that finishes up. Currently, she seems more perky, so I'm hoping the meds kick it and she does better soon. 

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