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i want to add more fish but...

SC Fish

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ive been fighting off what i believe is fungus and what i definitely know is fin rot in my 2 month old 20 gallon , but i want to add more stock, 

when do i know its safe to do this? 

i know it sounds stupid and obviously i can when the fungus and finrot is resolved but when do i know this is the case??

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On 11/3/2022 at 12:53 PM, Janoš Bećar Pecaroš said:

Usually, I go with one week with no symptoms. Than one week with no meds. Only than will I add new stock if illness doesn’t come back.

sounds reasonable lol, definitely a safer option than what i had in mind. (i was going to add more on sunday when the medication is finished)

Edited by SC Fish
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I would wait longer than Sunday, for sure. I’ve had Fish whose symptoms were resolved after medication, who I took out of the hospital tank and put back in the regular tank, and symptoms came back on day 5 or 7. 

The other question is, with the illness that you have been treating, were there any environmental factors that contributed to it? Was it problems with water quality that led to fin rot? Aggression? What was going on there and has that been resolved?

I can identify with how frustrating it is to wait. I once had a trio of mollies that was in my QT tank for 2 1/2 months trying to get them to be a week without symptoms. So frustrating!

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I would wait until the fin rot had healed significantly, in-between medication cycles you might want to do extra water changes to help promote healing (cleaner the water the better) and to make sure that your bio filtration hasn't declined. 

A fish with fin rot are vulnerable so can also be easily stressed or picked on by other fish so newcomers might make things harder for you.

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On 11/3/2022 at 11:59 PM, Flumpweesel said:



On 11/3/2022 at 7:54 PM, PineSong said:



thanks for the help, in the end i think ill wait until my mocks are over, because thats in 3 weeks time. this should be enough? its 3 extra weeks of treating and water changes. unless ofcourse a new issue arrises! thank you to all who replyed

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