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Aggressive Male White Cloud


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This past weekend, I brought home a 5 white cloud minnows from my LFS for my 10 gallon. I wanted 6 but the girl working at the store said it was better to buy schools of fish in an odd number in case of aggression. That I did not believe to be honest. 

Of the 5 white clouds, there is an aggressive male. He's harassed the other male (he hides behind the filter) and chases the females. The pygmy corys just stay out of the way. There's three of those. 

I know I need to add some tall plants to break line of site. Heat is set between 72-74 degrees.

What else can I do? A bigger tank is out of the question right now.

This is after doing some propagating this evening. Seriously, my Bettas where never this cranky.




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Get more, the aggression will be spread out. Personally I’ve never noticed them being aggressive in any way other than their little breeding ritual. I’d add as many as I could without messing with your water parameters. You could always keep strictly white clouds for now. Once you can purchase something larger, then you can expand your collection. Good luck

PS I’d go back and ask that sales associate how the fish know they’re in odd numbers? 

Edited by Jazz Pizza
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On 10/28/2022 at 8:12 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Yes it does seems rather idiotic!

It does. I was thinking the fish doesn't care if its even or odd numbers. I think she may have been new and still learning. 

Edited by sairving
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