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Betta Gave Me a Heart Attack!


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Last night I had the scare of my life. My female betta who is a piggy did not come to dinner. I couldn’t find her, I looked EVERYWHERE. I was starting to think she jumped out somehow, which would have been unrealistic, but I couldn’t find the damn fish lol

Then I found her jammed up in my rock cave hard scape creation, in a way that made me go how in the world did you manage that! Upside down, pale, gills barely moving. I finally get her out and she spazzed out for a second then was lying on the bottom of the tank. So I put her in the breeder box I have and she’s still lying on her side at the bottom of that, barely moving. 

I remember reading (for dropsy and swim bladder stuff) that you should bring them close to the surface so they can breath. So I caught her in my tiny net and propped it up in a way that it was deep enough for her to be submerged but all she had to do was move a little bit to get air from the surface.

Before I went to bed her color had come back but I figured I’d wake up to a dead fish (in my freaked out mind I was convinced it was dropsy).

I get up this morning and she’s perky again. I let her go into the breeder box and she was swimming like normal and she ate. Fingers crossed. I left her in the breeder box for today and I might leave her in there for another day or two. She scared me so bad that part of me wants to give her, her own 5 gallon tank so I can keep a better eye on her (she’s in a 20 gallon community now). 


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I found one of my males in the filter once.  Thought for sure he wouldn't recover, but he sprang back.  How old is yours?  I bought my last two from local Big Box stores and, despite giving them ideal conditions, neither lived for more than 1.25 to 1.5 years.  I thought of ordering online (as no LFS here), but then decided to try my hand with Neocaridina shrimp for the first time.

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On 10/25/2022 at 1:49 PM, The Arthritic Aquarist said:

I found one of my males in the filter once.  Thought for sure he wouldn't recover, but he sprang back.  How old is yours?  I bought my last two from local Big Box stores and, despite giving them ideal conditions, neither lived for more than 1.25 to 1.5 years.  I thought of ordering online (as no LFS here), but then decided to try my hand with Neocaridina shrimp for the first time.

I don’t know how old she is, but I haven’t even had her for 6 months yet. There is a decent LFS that’s by my work, but closer to home there is a small chain pet store (like 6 stores around my state) that actually takes good care of their bettas. That’s where I got her. 

On 10/25/2022 at 1:51 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Them Bettas! What an ordeal- very stressful!

@The Arthritic Aquarist same! (about them not living long) Yet I keep trying! *palm to face*

I know right! I was like “good morning little girl, now that your ok, im going to kill you for giving me a heart attack!” 😂

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On 10/25/2022 at 10:59 AM, BettaBabe94 said:

know right! I was like “good morning little girl, now that your ok, im going to kill you for giving me a heart attack!” 😂

Have totallly been there, more times than I would like!!

On 10/25/2022 at 11:03 AM, The Arthritic Aquarist said:

They have such great personalities for little fish.

Totally agreed, they sucker me in every time though I've sworn them off before. 

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