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This thing keeps happening to Rams...


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So, I've had this happen with pretty much any line bred Ram. German Blue, Gold, Electric Blue...

I'll have a few Rams in a tank doing fine, swimming like Rams, eating, breeding behavior, and then one'll change. They'll find a spot and just hang out there, they look like a person trying not to barf. They get pale, and the next day they'll be hanging out at the top of the tank like there's not enough oxygen. And then the next day they're fertilizer.

Once in a while one will bounce back, but not usually. Same thing has happened in several tanks. Temps from 77-82.

It's consistent enough that I feel like it must be a husbandry issues, even though I know these guys are sensitive.


Nitrate around 10

Nitrite 0

Amonia 0

Gh 300+

Kh 40

Ph 6.8

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