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Apistogramma cacatuoides substrate

Karen B.

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I have a 20 gallons high aquarium, planted, with a pair of apistogramma cacatuoides triple red.
The substrate I currently have is the black Estes Stoney River Premium Aquarium Sand. My plants are not thriving at all and they have a hard time growing. I use excel, thrive all in one liquid fertilizer and seachem flourish tabs (sorry, no aquarium coop product, I live in Canada)
I read Apistogramma sift through sand… does this mean I can’t go the gravel route at all? I was thinking either the Carib Sea Peace River gravel or the ESTES Nature Blends Gravel - Shallow Creek.
Thank you!

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They will be fine in gravel. I keep plenty in tanks with no substrate at all, and have kept them on gravel and sand as well. 

I have not noticed any difference with the fish in regards to substrate at all.

Peace River is one of the gravels I have kept them on. I really like Peace River! Did the apistos like it?  They didn't tell me. But they did spawn.

What they would appreciate is a cave! The Coop apisto cave works very well, as do smaller pleco caves.

Edited by tolstoy21
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