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Bacteria bloom disappeared like magic with live daphnia. Has this worked for you?


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Last Friday I moved and removed a lot in my tanks to catch a Cory to rehome. Saturday afternoon I started getting a bacteria bloom, because I vacuumed half the tank well, where I have removed things. I didn't touch the filters, so I thought I would not get the bloom, but on Sunday, there it was. I loaded the tank with live daphnia from the lake, and today the water is very clear. 

I also added IAL and complete and some turbo start 700, but I really think it was the daphnia that cleared the bloom so fast.

Definitely worth a try if you get a bacteria bloom. I put about 2 table spoons of drained daphnia in a 10 gallon tank.

Has anyone else used live daphnia to clear bacteria or algae blooms in they tanks?

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