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I ordered a goldfish and she’s here


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Hi!! I’m very excited and nervous that I just received my baby oranda goldfish from goldfish island. I never imagined doing this. But I have millions of questions….

I have a 20 gallon quarantine set up. It has the med trio and water but it is not cycled. 

i have my other goldfish in his 40 gallon tank with cycled media but I had been treating the tank for parasites and I’m afraid to use the media. I know I should have cycled this first but I wanted to order before it got too cold. 

It took me a long….months to cycle it because I was changing water too much. 

He is currently floating in the bag he came in!!!EDDF48A9-5EED-443D-A1DB-3C8C13DD4707.jpeg.be04b1fbddf74f6c06fe8ffc724ad865.jpeg



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Such a cute goldfishy!  There are no questions in your post...but if you're worried about your not-yet-cycled 20-gal quarantine tank I'd say just keep a close eye on ammonia and nitrites and change water as needed.  If it's bare-bottom, it should be easy to stay on top of vacuuming up poo and uneaten food to keep it from rotting.  

Do people put plants like hornwort into quarantine tanks?  I don't remember if the med trio is compatible with any of the super-robust plants like hornwort or floating plants like duckweed (which I also hear some goldfish like to eat) or if the goldfish would eat the hornwort too...but plants are a great way to detoxify water if you can get that to work.

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Thanks you guys!! She is still super shy but here is the latest….

j used the med trio in the tank.I put her in after acclimating and she was very shy so I covered up the tank a bit and I have slowly increased the lights. 

On Friday she seemed to be tipping a bit and still super shy. She was breathing rapidly so I got scared and completely changed the water with no meds. I also noticed UGH the heater was off.  

Saturday (yest) she seems better. Smiling around more. Not hiding. I tried feeding her and I think she ate a couple of pellets that landed near her. One little poop. 
*******I’ve noticed one white dot on her back fin. It looks a bit raised slightly. Would this be ick? I tried getting a picture but it was difficult. Orange fish with the one white growth?********

Today she’s still shy!!! She ate a few pellets excitedly tho!  So cute. 

Her tail fins I’ve noticed are thinning and a bit frayed. The very edges. I noticed this when she came. I thought clean water would clear that up. I will check the million of pictures took that are all blurry!






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Those big tails do get a bit bashed at times so don't worry they should heal up pretty quickly in clean water. Same goes for occasional white lumps

Ick looks like salt grains on their bodies at first not lumps on tails in my experience. If you get better pics of the area then do post.

She looks healthy me

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Thank you!! 

the white thing seemed to be fading but now there are 3 black lines from it. I have a video but it’s not great and here are a couple pictures. 

my betta has a growth on him that started like this not with lines but just a funky tumor or something and it’s prob coincidental right?

she has been doing great these past few days. I put a few little mirrors around the tank and she is swimming like crazy. She is eating and pooping! 

On 10/16/2022 at 3:44 PM, Flumpweesel said:

Those big tails do get a bit bashed at times so don't worry they should heal up pretty quickly in clean water. Same goes for occasional white lumps

Ick looks like salt grains on their bodies at first not lumps on tails in my experience. If you get better pics of the area then do post.

She looks healthy me










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On 10/21/2022 at 6:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

Is it a goldfish only tank? If it is then there might be benefits to removing the heater. 

Really? I know they don’t need to have the heater but the second day she was breathing kind of fast so I thought maybe it was causing a lower level of o2?

Could this help with her tails? Ty!!

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On 10/21/2022 at 4:42 PM, Tabeth said:

Really? I know they don’t need to have the heater but the second day she was breathing kind of fast so I thought maybe it was causing a lower level of o2?

Could this help with her tails? Ty!!

There will actually potentially be more oxygen in the cooler water. 
Removing the heater will save money and remove the danger of it sticking on and overheating the water. Another advantage is that she’ll grow slower, but that could be a disadvantage since big Orandas look so nice. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 12:06 AM, SimplySwimming said:

Look at those big beautiful eyes. I love Goldfish. I always had bettas and I now have a goldfish and I am in love with her. Have you named yours yet? 


her name is birdie! She’s super cute though, yes, right? She seems to be doing super. The little mirrors I placed around the tank have really helped!


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Update! Birdie is doing great.  Very active, seems happy, swimming really wonderfully!  The white spot on her tail is fading and the few dark lines have disappeared.  

It's been two weeks since she arrived.  Is it safe to put her in my larger tank with my big guy Clem? She's just doing so well and I know he's bored and  I want to put them together. Thoughts?

It did make a huge difference in her shyness when I added a few small mirrors around the tank. She's almost coming up to hand feed...I know she will get there!


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