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Dwarf sag melting and stunted aquarium lily

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Hi, I have been having issues with my ten gallon planted tank. It is currently filled with a carpet of dwarf sag, some Java moss, and a dwarf aquarium lily all purchased through aquarium co op. It was originally a cherry shrimp tank, but for some reason they all slowly died one by one. Now I only have MTS in the tank. I do a weekly 10-20% water change and fertilize with east green after the water change. I also add DIY root tabs to the substrate monthly. I also have my stingray light on for about 10 hours per day (on a timer). As you can see, I grow algae very easily which I don’t mind, but the dwarf sag seems to be melting back. I am planning on stocking some neon tetras to increase the nutrients in the tank, but I’m not sure if that will actually help or not. Looking for any advice to help my plants look better! Thank you in advance. 





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Here is a discussion of how/why many of us prefer two shorter light periods per day rather than one long one, to decrease algae and maintain or improve plant growth. I have a Finnex stingray on my 20g long for two 5 hour periods per day with a five hour break in between and it has eliminated my algae situation.

I'm not expert enough to make other recommendations about your plants, other than to ask what your nitrate readings are after you Easy Green and what they are before you do water changes . I'm sorry your shrimp did not survive.


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You might have to experiment with your lighting and fert levels.  I had a similar problem for months and then finally seemed to get it right.  I'm using a combination of Easy Green liquid fert with Leaf Zone every week. I dose about half the recommended amount of EG per week and half the dose of LZ twice weekly.  In addition, I use Seachem root tabs about every 3 months.  I also experimented with my light levels for awhile before seemingly getting to the right mix.  My algae problem cleared up and my plants are doing very well now (including Dwarf Sag). 

Just to add to what others have said that a bit more livestock would probably help.

BTW, I keep my lights running for 10 - 10 1/4 hours a day.

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