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Asolene spixii snail adventure


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On 11/19/2023 at 12:18 PM, jwcarlson said:

@Guppysnail Do you experience your spixii dying after they laid their clutches?  Mine laid a couple of clutches and then died.  I still have about 8 of the babies who have grown up quite well even in my apisto tank.  The other set also died at the same time.  When the clutches hatched I moved about six of the babies to a new tank and they too all died.  I have no idea what in the world it would have been that took them out.  Didn't have anything else going on.  I would like to move some of the survivors, but I'm scared they'll die.

No I have not. My Spixii are troopers. However any that I put in my Apisto and Ram tank died.  A lot of the babies I gave to the vendor I wholesale to died in mass. 

The only thing I can think is the may need my hard water much more than other snails but I am not certain at all. 

The only other difference is the Spixii seem primarily carnivorous vs other detritus, omnivorous snails. In both my ram and Apisto tanks even the commercial foods I feed are veggie dominant. 

All of this it totally guessing though. I did see my Spixii eating veggies though. 

I can tell you since I gave my last few to @Elodie Rose all my fry tanks have exploded in hydra 😝. I have not seen hydra more than 1 here or there since I got my Spixii so I don’t think about them anymore. 

I texted her a few days ago asking how breeding is going because I need to get babies off her 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Mine seem to be fine in basically straight RO in my apisto tanks.  Shells look good.  The pH is still relatively high, though.

Mine eat plants, particularly aquarium lily.

Agree regarding hydra though.  Tank with them no hydra.  Tank without hydra farm.

Edited by jwcarlson
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On 11/19/2023 at 1:34 PM, jwcarlson said:

Mine seem to be fine in basically straight RO in my apisto tanks.  Shells look good.  The pH is still relatively high, though.

Mine eat plants, particularly aquarium lily.

Agree regarding hydra though.  Tank with them no hydra.  Tank without hydra farm.

Never saw one eating a plant. 🤷‍♀️

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On 11/19/2023 at 1:21 PM, Guppysnail said:

Never saw one eating a plant. 🤷‍♀️

To be fair, this aquarium lily seems to send up leaves and let the old ones melt and it seems like they mostly are eating those.  Maybe it's my management.  It's made a few new plants so it can't be too unhappy.  Or maybe it's a tiger lotus, honestly I don't know how to tell the difference.

Edited by jwcarlson
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I still have the six that you gave me, GuppySnail! They are in a tank with plants, blackworms, and a few least killis. I check for eggs every day. The temp on that tank is 78.

There are also half a dozen from the ACLC swap last weekend in another tank, at room temp, with nothing but hornwort and pothos. 

Both are getting a diet of live foods, frozen foods, and dry foods, small pinches a couple times a day of whatever it is that’s being fed. Grindal worms, brine shrimp, bloodworms, kens protein wafers or veggie wafers, spirulina in several forms, calcium tablets and nano blocks, green repashy, and anything else that gets put into the rotation. Cucumber and green beans happen a time or two a week as well. 

I’m waiting on some Snello pellets. Until they arrive, I’m just counting on variety to help keep them as healthy as they were when I got them. They’re looking great, and seem active. 

But I haven’t seen any clutches of eggs yet. 

The ph in my tanks is pretty high, with a lot of minerals, as well as leaf litter and tannins.

I’m trying to learn what they like to eat best, and when they’re most active. They’re beautiful! I’ve been researching them and taking notes. Advice is more than welcome. 🙂 

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