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What HAVE you bred? What are you TIRED of breeding? What do you WANT to breed?


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@Cinnebuns Word up. Makes sense to me. 

I should add that I’m not altering water parameter, doing cold water changes, matching water changes with a storm coming in, etc to try to encourage anything to breed. I simply enjoy the challenge of trying to hatch eggs and trying to raise the fry. Passive things are excellent as well, but I do enjoy a bit of a challenge. 

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Few days late but thought I'd revive the thread and add mine:

Have bred/currently breeding:

Wild type Endlers, a few strains of Japanese rice fish, panda corydoras, cherry shrimp

Not tired of breeding any yet, my Endlers are breeding well but certainly not overrun yet and think I should be able to sell them to an LFS I've spoken to when I am. I've only successfully raised 2 panda cories so would love to figure them out and raise a few more. I've got 4 different strains of Japanese ricefish and two are breeding and the other two aren't mature enough yet and probably won't get fry from them until next spring now the weather is getting colder. 

Want to breed:

Soo many things. Would love to do some rams or apistos or some Biotoecus opercularis (don't think they really have a common name). Would also love to try some really fancy uncommon guppy strains and cherry shrimp strains. Also would love to try scarlet badis, peacock gudgeons, pea puffers, annual killies.... I could probably list a hundred different things I'd like to try one day but I won't haha. 


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Was feeding tonight and noticed some guppy/endler hybrid fry in my aquaponics tank. So I guess I can add that to my have bred list. Not like it took any effort, but still fun to check another box. 

Really waiting for my next Peacock Gudgeon spawn since I botched the first one, and really looking forward to the couple new types of Rainbows I picked up. 

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