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Cory cats and fertilizers


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If we don't bury the root tabs deep enough will corydoras go for the fertilizers? And is it dangerous? Also do they need calcium and the rest of the stuff that's in the root tabs? Because I just got new plants with very weak roots that I have to feed shallow because their roots are not deep enough and they're melting significantly. My substrate is sand for first inch then after gravel, then worm poop under that. Help.

Edited by Dezra
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On 9/14/2022 at 8:50 PM, Dezra said:

If we don't bury the root tabs deep enough will corydoras go for the fertilizers? And is it dangerous? Also do they need calcium and the rest of the stuff that's in the root tabs? Because I just got new plants with very weak roots that I have to feed shallow because their roots are not deep enough and they're melting significantly. My substrate is sand for first inch then after gravel, then worm poop under that. Help.

Your root tabs will not hurt your corydoras. In my experience my corydoras did dig up some root tabs but they ignored it since it isn't food. I would not worry about your corys getting hurt. For your plants you might want to also add liquid ferts with the root tabs to help your plants from melting. A


Also if you recently got new plants there are some cases where they melt because they are forming new leaves so I would not worry too much

Edited by DiscusLover
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