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Katherine Members Interview!


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@Katherine, you are being interviewed.

1.) Favourite fish?

2.) Least favourite fish?

3.) Favourite fish YouTuber?

4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber?

5.) Favourite food?

6.) What fish would you like to be the most?

7.) What was your scariest moment?

8.) What country do you want to visit the most?

9.) Cats or dogs?

10) Describe yourself in 3 words.

11) Pancakes or Waffles?

12) What is your favorite song?

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why?

14) What is your favorite TV show?

15) What is your greatest fear?

16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why?

17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types?

18) Do you love or hate pest snails?

19) Do you enjoy gardening?

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby?

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you?

22) Burgers or Pizza?

23) What is your favorite aquatic animal?

24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby?

25) Favorite candy?

26) What is your favorite book?

27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby?

Others may also ask questions if they wish. 😊

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1.) Favourite fish? I'm not really sure I've got one... My favorite in my tank right now is the zebra danios, but I've only got 3 types. I haven't kept very many different things.

2.) Least favourite fish? Hmm... Bubble eye goldfish? They weird me out.

3.) Favourite fish YouTuber? Cory, he's the only one I watch super regularly.

4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber?  Overall, A Slob Comes Clean. Currently maybe Dreaming Spanish.

5.) Favourite food? This is always such a hard question. Right now I'm inclined to say cheesecake, but it's not something I'd want to have all the time. If we're talking what could I keep eating every day, then salad because you can change it up so much.

6.) What fish would you like to be the most? I've never thought about this... A clownfish?

7.) What was your scariest moment? Either when my daughter was almost 2 and had a 105 fever or when my son fell off a playground, hitting his head and ribs on the way down. He ended up with a few bruised ribs and was fine in a few days, but he was in too much pain to walk and cried every time I turned the car on the way to the hospital.

8.) What country do you want to visit the most? I've never been outside my own country, so any would be amazing. But most... Australia or Scotland?

9.) Cats or dogs? I'd rather play with a dog, but I'd rather own a cat.

10) Describe yourself in 3 words. Anxious, smart, kind

11) Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles, but they have to have peanut butter and a lot of syrup. Absent the peanut butter, then pancakes.

12) What is your favorite song? I'm not really a big music person. (I know, I know) Maybe Happy by Pharell.

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why? Sick fish. It's hard to see them suffer and sometimes lose them.

14) What is your favorite TV show? Taskmaster.

15) What is your greatest fear? Losing people I love.

16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why? I loved the academic side of school as a whole, so it varied a lot year to year depending on the teachers. I think overall probably math. I liked that (except for proofs in algebra, I could never do those in the number of steps the book wanted) there was a clear right and wrong answer and it wasn't so much up to the teacher's interpretation as other subjects.

17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types? I currently have duckweed (on purpose), red root floaters, water sprite, guppy grass, pogostemon stellatus octopus, riccia moss, golden lloydiella, some kind of sword plant that has stayed about 6-8 inches tall for 3 years, and some kind of anubias, nana petite, maybe?

18) Do you love or hate pest snails? Love

19) Do you enjoy gardening? I'm trying to? Pulling a bunch of weeds and making an area that was all overgrown look nice again is really satistying, but I'm not great at keeping up on it in small bits.

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby? Watching things grow! I love this about plants and snails.

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you? Hmm... Buying fish from petsmart? Not to buy fish from petsmart? I've only been at this for 3 years, started with an already cycled tank and I only have 1 tank, so I'm sure I'll make a bigger mistake down the road somewhere.

22) Burgers or Pizza? Normally I'd say pizza, but I'm kind of sick of it at the moment, so if I had to have one of them today it'd be a burger. It's easier to get good pizza than a good burger for a decent price where I live.

23) What is your favorite aquatic animal? Spotted Garden Eels. Our local zoo has a tank of them and I could sit there forever. Or maybe seals? They have them too and I could watch them swim past the window all day.

24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby? I'd really like to get my 75g filled in with lots of healthy plants and more small fish. I'd like to not have the glofish anymore, and keep new additions smaller than them.

25) Favorite candy? Nerds or Good & Plenty. Man, I need to buy some of those.

26) What is your favorite book? Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby? Reading, knitting, learning Spanish, hiking (short, slow, and easy, I usually have the kids with me), occasionally video games.

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