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Tank Mates for Long Fin White Skirt Tetras?


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I have a 55 gallon with 2 Aquaclear 70’s on them. They are on the lowest setting. When I originally started I wanted a bunch of Neon Tetras but they were too small to my husband. So I bought some long fin black skirts while at the store. Then I learned there are white ones and fell in love. My local mom & pop fish store had 3 so I bought them. I called them and asked them to order more so I now have a total of 14. I don’t know if it’s because the black ones were from PetSmart, they were old, or what but the didn’t do well. The white ones are doing fine. 

I still really just want some Neons. I was gonna get like 20 of them but my local store told me not to get them and go with the rummy nose ones. I don’t like the rummy nose ones because they are mostly white or whatever fish she was suggesting. I don’t really want black ones anymore either. So I need a suggestion for a fish I can get with the long fin tetras because I didn’t realize they were semi-aggressive? At least everything I’ve read has said they are. 

I also have 2 glo tetras for my kids and don’t want those either because they are crazy expensive. 


Edited by JenTheDroid
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Which fish did they say were going to be aggressive? I'm having trouble telling from your post. I've got white skirt tetras in with black phantom tetras and zebra danios and have no issues between species. I'm not sure how helpful that is though.

Edited by Katherine
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Have you considered a centerpiece fish? Electric blue acara and Angelfish come to mind. They would fit in pretty well with the fish you have now. 

Consider some bottom fish also. Corydoras are a fish that I think are a must for any community tank. They come in many different colors and patterns.





Edited by Patrick_G
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