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Algae in high light tanks

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How does everyone keep algae under control in a high light tank? I’m wanting to add some plants that require more light but I’m afraid I’ll get an algae problem. I did have my lights on for 12 hours a day and had a horrible algae problem. How does everyone do it? 

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Truth be told, only but a few plants really need true high light. But to answer your question, and if you have those plants, CO2 injection is how it's done. 

If you bump up light intensity, I would drop light duration to 8 hours. More light requires more nutrients and more CO2.

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I run my lights for 12+ hours without co2. I accomplished this by being neurotic about water quality (water changes, flow, skimming, removing dead organics, etc) having a robust cleanup crew and slowly increasing light intensity erroring on minimal intensity that resulted in quality growth. I also added my most light demanding plant last (s. Repens), less light demanding plants were bought first to build my eco system. 

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On 7/31/2022 at 5:32 PM, JoeQ said:

I run my lights for 12+ hours without co2. I accomplished this by being neurotic about water quality (water changes, flow, skimming, removing dead organics, etc) having a robust cleanup crew and slowly increasing light intensity erroring on minimal intensity that resulted in quality growth. I also added my most light demanding plant last (s. Repens), less light demanding plants were bought first to build my eco system. 

Great insight. I have an already established lower light tank with Vallisneria, anubias, Java fern, and bacopa. Looking to add Tiger lotus, Crinum Calamistratum, Scarlett’s temple and Dwarf baby tears. I also have a betta I don’t want to cause stress to with too much light. 

Currently everything is getting 8 hours of light. 

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On 7/31/2022 at 6:32 PM, J. Holmes said:

Also, what’s your clean up crew? I’ve got a 30 gallon with 3 Ottos, 3 mystery snails, and a hillstream loach. Going to add some Nerite snails and shrimp. 

For a cleanup crew last year in the tank, I had (2) huge nerite snails, (3) otos, (2) hillstream loaches, and A bunch of assassin snails. I lacked on a hair algea eater but never had the need for one till the water warmed and I developed hair algea through neglect. 

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On 8/1/2022 at 7:39 AM, JoeQ said:

For a cleanup crew last year in the tank, I had (2) huge nerite snails, (3) otos, (2) hillstream loaches, and A bunch of assassin snails. I lacked on a hair algea eater but never had the need for one till the water warmed and I developed hair algea through neglect. 

What kind of algae are you having trouble with? I posted my "BBA Success Story" last night. But it's rather long...

I should also ask what plants you are growing and would be willing to grow to achieve your goal for the aquarium?

Have you tried utilizing floating plants? They will suck up nutrients like mad crazy. Also, you could try growing some fast-growing plants like water sprite.

As for clean-up crew, rosy barbs are excellent algae eaters and beautiful fish, but they tend to nip fins. Mollies are excellent algae eaters for BBA and hair algae. But like amano shrimp, if you want them to do more than casually nip at it, starve them a bit.

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