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No tank for quarantining new fish


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In the past I have temporarily setup  a plastic storage tote using a seasoned sponge filter. Ran the fish through quarantine,meds, etc. then emptied it out and put it away until needed again. Probably want to find something that can hold 5-10 gallons depending on the fish maybe larger?


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On 7/23/2022 at 1:17 PM, Travis said:

In the past I have temporarily setup  a plastic storage tote using a seasoned sponge filter. Ran the fish through quarantine,meds, etc. then emptied it out and put it away until needed again. Probably want to find something that can hold 5-10 gallons depending on the fish maybe larger?


This is a great suggestion. You should not need to have it set up for too long for quarantine, but it would also be good to have in case any of your fish get sick. I believe GirlTalksFish has a great video on this exact thing.

Keep plenty of meds on hand in case you need to treat your entire "regular" tank (IchX, Maracyn and Maracyn II are what I keep excess of). You don't want to end up in a situation where ich is in your "regular" tank and you have to wait a few days for meds to arrive in the mail. It can get much worse in just a few days. It will be more expensive to dose larger tanks also, so that is part of the pain of not having a separate quarantine.

Another less effective suggestion is to be extra picky about where you get your fish from and which you take home. Try to buy from local breeders or your local fish store instead of big box stores. Make sure they have no signs of illness in the store, the fish you are buying or any others in the tank. This will not be a foolproof method, obviously (I have gotten fish with ich from my LFS, fish are stressed and more susceptible to illness no matter what when they're shipped) but it might help prevent outbreaks.


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