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Aponogeton Crispus Flower?

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On 7/13/2022 at 3:18 PM, Corbidorbidoodle said:

I have a Aponogeton Crispus from ACO that is growing beautifully. It's sent out a thing that I assume must be a flower. 

What should I do with it? Just leave it? Guide it out of water? Cut it off?

I'm not sure if the flowering will make it go dormant or something. Like cutting of the long leaves of a tiger lotus.

IME flowering tends to make it go quiescent.  Not necessarily fully dormant, but growing slower than before.  It also can produce enough pollen it covers the top of the tank depending on the size of your tank.  I always remove them when I see them since they get messy.

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My Aponogeton ulvaceous both flowered this spring and died back to the bulb shortly after. They've been slowly putting out new leaves since then. I didn't try removing the flowers, but one broke off accidentally and another stalk soon replaced it.

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