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Greetings from Beautiful Bucks County, PA

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Hello everyone!

I have been ordering from Aquarium Co-Op, watching Cory's videos, and reading the forum for several months now & decided I should create a profile and participate!

I have been in and out of the hobby since I was a kid.  My first experience was a goldfish in a bowl (naughty me!).  I then graduated to a 10g w/ guppies.  When I hit my 20's, I really got into it - I had six tanks, ranging from 20g long to a 90g. I had a predator tank (gar, green terror, Oscar, and even a snakehead - naughty me again!); African Cichlid tanks (mbuna); angels & discus tank; and a saltwater setup.  I lived in Boston at the time & had a fantastic LFS to support my addiction (I mean hobby).  During this time I really educated myself on the "science" of fishkeeping - no YouTube back then but I read every book on the subject & even volunteered in the marine education dept of the New England Aquarium.  When I moved to PA, I sold everything except the 90g & continued to keep the Cichlids, which are probably my favorite fresh water fish.  When my kids graduated from high school, I moved again & left the fish tank for the new owner - also a hobbyist.

Fast forward about 13 years - I recently setup a 75g tank for my grandchildren - they loved visiting the Camden Aquarium (NJ) & the Newport Aquarium (OH) so much and also love our trips to Cabelas, so I surprised them with the tank this past Christmas.

I stocked the tank w/ Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras, Corys, Guppies, Glowlight Tetras, & Super Blue Emperor Tetras (that never turned blue - lol), as well as a few Neocaridina shrimp and Nerite & Mystery Snails.  The kids (4,3,2) absolutely love it!  When they're not here, they FaceTime me asking to "see the fishes" & when they visit, they actively help w/ the maintenance & feeding (overfeeding!) - they especially like using the mag-float to clean the glass & helping me test the water parameters (all the pretty colors).  I was surprised at how much joy I get watching them!  Well, the "addiction" is returning - I just setup my 3rd tank (lol).  I setup a 10g to grow out the Guppy fry & the newest 10g will have a Betta as a centerpiece w/ other nano tank mates.

I'm excited to join this group & look forward to interacting with everyone!  

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Hi PSJ-SR and welcome! I'm a months old aquarium hobbiest but I already have three, a 10g and 2-20glong. Never thought I ould be this fascinated by everything. I love the plants, the fish, the water chemitry - all of it. It sounds like you're setting up another generation of fish lovers in your family. Looking forward to news about your fishy family!

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On 7/1/2022 at 8:39 PM, PSJ-SR said:

Hello everyone!

I have been ordering from Aquarium Co-Op, watching Cory's videos, and reading the forum for several months now & decided I should create a profile and participate!

I have been in and out of the hobby since I was a kid.  My first experience was a goldfish in a bowl (naughty me!).  I then graduated to a 10g w/ guppies.  When I hit my 20's, I really got into it - I had six tanks, ranging from 20g long to a 90g. I had a predator tank (gar, green terror, Oscar, and even a snakehead - naughty me again!); African Cichlid tanks (mbuna); angels & discus tank; and a saltwater setup.  I lived in Boston at the time & had a fantastic LFS to support my addiction (I mean hobby).  During this time I really educated myself on the "science" of fishkeeping - no YouTube back then but I read every book on the subject & even volunteered in the marine education dept of the New England Aquarium.  When I moved to PA, I sold everything except the 90g & continued to keep the Cichlids, which are probably my favorite fresh water fish.  When my kids graduated from high school, I moved again & left the fish tank for the new owner - also a hobbyist.

Fast forward about 13 years - I recently setup a 75g tank for my grandchildren - they loved visiting the Camden Aquarium (NJ) & the Newport Aquarium (OH) so much and also love our trips to Cabelas, so I surprised them with the tank this past Christmas.

I stocked the tank w/ Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras, Corys, Guppies, Glowlight Tetras, & Super Blue Emperor Tetras (that never turned blue - lol), as well as a few Neocaridina shrimp and Nerite & Mystery Snails.  The kids (4,3,2) absolutely love it!  When they're not here, they FaceTime me asking to "see the fishes" & when they visit, they actively help w/ the maintenance & feeding (overfeeding!) - they especially like using the mag-float to clean the glass & helping me test the water parameters (all the pretty colors).  I was surprised at how much joy I get watching them!  Well, the "addiction" is returning - I just setup my 3rd tank (lol).  I setup a 10g to grow out the Guppy fry & the newest 10g will have a Betta as a centerpiece w/ other nano tank mates.

I'm excited to join this group & look forward to interacting with everyone!  

Nice to have you here! I'm in MD so just a couple hops from you. The addiction...uh hobby is a fun one and I'm glad you're getting back into it. If you need any help with choosing what tank mates you'd want with the betta feel free to make another topic and you'll be given lots of suggestion! ACO(Aquarium co-op) also has videos on that too I believe. I wish the people around me were as interested as your grandkids in the hobby or that I was that lucky person to get your 90g...anyways welcome and glad to have you here!

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