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Staghorn Algae?

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Can someone confirm/deny my suspicions that this is staghorn algae? Tanks nitrates are under 40, 1 pump of iron twice a week, and roughly 8 hrs of 80% light. The tank does get a lot of natural light. From what I’ve read, amano shrimp won’t eat it if it’s staghorn algae


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On 6/20/2022 at 9:14 PM, Paul R said:

Looks like the start of it to me. Does the tank get 8 hours of artificial light as well as natural? 

Yes. There’s a little window in the basement that light gets through. I could try blocking the window but it will be a challenge. How should I get rid of it since nothing will eat it?

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I know I had my aquarium next to a window months ago with the curtains closed and I got crazy amounts of algae. I also dosed iron weekly. I reduced the amount of iron I used and then moved the tank and the algae has gone away. I don't known which one it was. Could have been a combination of both or one or the other.

As far as the Amanos go, I never saw them take on staghorn, but that was my guys. Can't speak for the rest. 

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On 6/20/2022 at 9:30 PM, Paul R said:

I know I had my aquarium next to a window months ago with the curtains closed and I got crazy amounts of algae. I also dosed iron weekly. I reduced the amount of iron I used and then moved the tank and the algae has gone away. I don't known which one it was. Could have been a combination of both or one or the other.

As far as the Amanos go, I never saw them take on staghorn, but that was my guys. Can't speak for the rest. 

I’ll try blocking the window I think since I don’t have anywhere to move the tank. Hopefully that works. I’ve also read about spot treating with seachem excel. Hopefully the light will do the trick so I don’t have to spot treat. I’ll have to address iron next if that doesn’t work

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If you can't do anything with the window I would personally try to reduce iron maybe one dose a week for a couple of weeks and see how that goes. If you notice iron levels are dropping when you test or plants are losing coloration/stature you can go back. 


I don't know of a creature that will take it out 100%, but I hear true Siamese algae eaters and Panda Garras will take on different sorts. They may be a good preventive measure in the future once you get everything dialed in. 

By the way your pogo looks nice! Seachem Excel is pretty effective. I just got into it and dose it everyday to be safe with algae 

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On 6/20/2022 at 9:37 PM, Paul R said:

If you can't do anything with the window I would personally try to reduce iron maybe one dose a week for a couple of weeks and see how that goes. If you notice iron levels are dropping when you test or plants are losing coloration/stature you can go back. 


I don't know of a creature that will take it out 100%, but I hear true Siamese algae eaters and Panda Garras will take on different sorts. They may be a good preventive measure in the future once you get everything dialed in. 

By the way your pogo looks nice! Seachem Excel is pretty effective. I just got into it and dose it everyday to be safe with algae 

Thanks! Fingers crossed I can nip this in the butt before it becomes problematic. Do you spot treat with excel or do you just do a whole dose? 

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The light from a small basement window might not be the problem. I used to avoid sunlight at all costs, but I currently have some algae free tanks near windows so I know it’s not absolutely necessary to keep a tank out of natural light. 
If you’re currently running your light for 8 hours I think that might be the main culprit. I’d cut back an hour and see if that works. It’ll take a 3-4 weeks so in the meantime you could do a dose of Excel to take care the immediate problem. 

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On 6/20/2022 at 10:25 PM, Patrick_G said:

The light from a small basement window might not be the problem. I used to avoid sunlight at all costs, but I currently have some algae free tanks near windows so I know it’s not absolutely necessary to keep a tank out of natural light. 
If you’re currently running your light for 8 hours I think that might be the main culprit. I’d cut back an hour and see if that works. It’ll take a 3-4 weeks so in the meantime you could do a dose of Excel to take care the immediate problem. 

The algae isn’t a huge issue at the moment but it’s definitely growing. I’ll have to order some excel. Will it continue to grow during that 3-4 week period or will it slow down, then die?

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