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Discus- Fin rot/ cloudy eye Slime

Willie T

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nitrite -0

nitrates- 5-10 ppm 

So I posted on here before and was advised to used Kanaplex for the discus that had excessive slime coat/ fin rot. 2 of them went from black looked like death to perfect color so 5 of 7  are good , I have done 2 rounds of Kanaplex and there are still 2 that aren’t doing so well. Should I quarantine, these 2 and medicate with something different like API fin and body? I am worried about continuing to treat the whole tank and killing all my hood bacteria. Should I do this or just keep on with salt and hope the get better?  They both were eating and now are not.




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With a viral infections it will take longer for  some of the fish in the group to recover these two fish  might have had a  weaker immune system then the other fish that why it's taking them longer to fight of the viral infection that why they have gone of their food if you have a Qarantine tank I would separate them try I course API fin and body cure leave some aquarium salt in as well you could try adding some of seachems garlic guard to their food to help stimulate they appetite if you can get them to eat they have a good chance at recovering 

Edited by Colu
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The problem is with viral infection discus plague it severely affects their immune system it the secondary infection that kill usually the fish not the viral infection as your still seeing over production of the slim coat and cloudy eyes it would be worth doing another course of antibiotics such as the oxytetracycline you could add it to their food for a more effective treatment 

Edited by Colu
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Thanks for all the help, I have the 2 of them in a QT 20 gallon now, I put 1/4 teaspoon of Oxytetracycline in last night? Do you know what the recommended dosing is? I have heard so many different things, I have Heard do it daily, and every 3 days etc..

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