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Foam & Drylok background


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I want to paint my new foam & Drylok background with my typical artist enamels instead of using the Drylock colored pigments. What clear sealant can I safely use to seal the background so the paint won't come off over time?

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The best material would be some type of aquarium-safe epoxy resin. My experience with other sealants and paints that are "safe", is that they will get worn off over time (I have even seen plecos remove paint from surfaces). There is a resin on Amazon that I recall seeing at one time. If you type in aquarium safe epoxy resin, it should come up. The company is called MAX (or something like that). 

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Thanks Zenzo!


I realize that this is a common question and I DID some searching before posting. As technologies continue to improve, I was hoping that our community had discovered a good alternative to expensive resins. I'm tempted to set up a 10g test aquarium stocked with 10 neon tetras to see if there are any long-term effects using polyurethane. Then I can answer this question for others in the future with experience to back my opinions. OR I could just pry my wallet open and pay $60 for the clear Pond Armor! 🤔

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