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I think they Guppies I got from a store were sick

David Dudson

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Hi all,

New fishkeeper here. 

After cycling my planted 65 litre I put in some Pepper Cory's (My new favourite fish) and Neon Tetras, they were happy and a week later we decided to finish stocking with a few guppies (2 male, 6 female). In the fish store, male and females were seperated into different tanks. After putting our guppies in the tank the males were fine, but the females seemed a bit off, a little bit lethargic. They were either resting near the bottom of the tank, or swimming into the air bubble at the surface. I put it down to stress and thought they would be okay in a day or two. 36 hours later 3 had passed away, and 48 hours after that all 5 females had unfortunately passed. The males were happy and swimming around. We were deeply saddened and rushed to test the tank etc. and all water params seem fine. Waited a few days to make sure the male guppies were okay. Since then I have bought 6 more females from a different store and as soon as i put them in the tank, they looked completely different to the first group, happy, swimming around, getting chased, regular guppy behaviour, they look very happy which makes me think water was not an issue. What could have happened? Should I request a refund or could it have been something we did? Also, now I know the signs, if something like this were to happen again, how would you try and save the fish?


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Hi Dave, and welcome to the forums. Unfortunately, guppies are one of the trickiest fish to get and keep healthy from most stores, and it's not uncommon to have the experience you did. 

Here is an artcile about quarantining new fish and some medications which are effective for basic infections and parasites:



To protect the fish you already have, it's best to quarantine new fish before you put them in your tank. There are lots of youtube videos about how to do this, and whether you medicate the fish in quarantine or not, you will prevent whatever illness they have from reaching the fish already living happily in your tank. Here's some info on that.


When I first set up my tank I had the same experience you did; it's sad and frightening and I hope that you will have better luck going forward. I no longer buy guppies from stores, I get them from other hobbyists and all of those have stayed alive. With store bought guppies, I've had about 50% surivive and from what others have reported here, I'm not the only one. Good luck!


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I'm curious.  What kind of store did you get the second batch from?  I suspect it was a locally owned store instead of a chain, and the fish came from a local breeder instead of a commercial fish farm.  The experience you described with the first batch is all too common with commercially raised guppies.

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Hi Jetts,

Both were from local aquarium stores here in Brisbane, Australia rather than from chain pet stores, I know for certain that the first batch were imported, as the staff member said they arent bred locally. I didnt ask in the second store, although from now on if getting fish i will try and source locally bred fish and actually ask that question.

Edited by David Dudson
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