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Hi I have been trying to successfully breed Ramshorn Snails for 4 years now. Sounds crazy, I know. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. The tank is ONLY for snails. I will buy a big batch of 50 put them in the tank, overfeed on fish flakes, but they continue to breed unsuccessfully. I will get MAYBE 10 babies every now and then if they survive. The tank continues to get loaded with detritus every time and this last go around, seed shrimp as well. (Brought in from an EBay seller, oops) I do water changes and gravel vacs. I have a sponge filter and heater at 74 degrees and gravel on the bottom with a tiny bit of coral sand for ph. Can someone please help me!! What am I doing wrong???? I am completely starting over for I don’t want worms and bugs in my tank in fear of the seed shrimp getting transferred to my main tank. I saw on YouTube people will use breeder boxes??? What is the point of this? I am getting ready to head to the fish store so any insight would be much appreciated on what I’m doing wrong and what I should get. 🙏

Edited by Dallasp
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Seed shrimp shouldn't be causing you any issues. They crop up every so often in tanks I've had without any issues.

As for ramshorns how long have you been trying to get them to lay eggs? The thing about breeding anything is that if you're doing too much it won't help. Snails are some of the easiest creatures to keep let alone 'breed' as they just do their thing. Best thing you can do is feed them quality food (don't over feed, this is going to mess up the water params) and maintain the tank they are in. The less you pay attention to it trying to count babies and the more you just tend to it like a normal aquarium they will over run the tank in no time.

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On 5/6/2022 at 5:54 PM, Dallasp said:

Hi I have been trying to successfully breed Ramshorn Snails for 4 years now. Sounds crazy, I know. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. The tank is ONLY for snails. I will buy a big batch of 50 put them in the tank, overfeed on fish flakes, but they continue to breed unsuccessfully. I will get MAYBE 10 babies every now and then if they survive. The tank continues to get loaded with detritus every time and this last go around, seed shrimp as well. (Brought in from an EBay seller, oops) I do water changes and gravel vacs. I have a sponge filter and heater at 74 degrees and gravel on the bottom with a tiny bit of coral sand for ph. Can someone please help me!! What am I doing wrong???? I am completely starting over for I don’t want worms and bugs in my tank in fear of the seed shrimp getting transferred to my main tank. I saw on YouTube people will use breeder boxes??? What is the point of this? I am getting ready to head to the fish store so any insight would be much appreciated on what I’m doing wrong and what I should get. 🙏

The seed shrimp aren't a negative for the snails.

I would recommend following @Guppysnail for suggestions on snail care, she does an amazing job diagnosing problems and resolving issues. 

Snails need steady water parameters, slightly alkaline water [7.2 pH or higher] and access to magnesium and calcium for healthy shells. 

Water quality stays healthier at lower temperatures, and I am now using bamboo skewers to hold vegetables on, and pour boiling water over the veggies to do a quick blanch.

Carrots help my red ramshorns maintain their gorgeous coloration throughout their lives. Green beans, spinach, kale, squash, and broccoli *stalks* also are well liked.

My tanks are at 65° to 72° and I can leave the vegetables on a skewer in the tanks for 24 hours without damaging water quality. 

Above 72°, I need to remove skewers after 12 hours. 

If pH drops below 7.2, shells get thin and crack more easily/are vulnerable to damage during scuffles.

I leave dead snails in H2O2 overnight to clean and decontaminate, then rinse well and return to the tank to provide a mineral source with out risking illness.

I have tanks overrun with snails, and then sell off 90%, rearrange by color, and let them go at it again. 

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