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I've said it before and I will probably be saying it for awhile. I'm not great with plants. However I am getting better and will continue to do so. 

I have been working on this piece specifically and would like some ideas for the next step. The plan is to eventually pull out all the fake and only have real on it. As you can see, so far I have included anubias Nana petite and Java fern. I have included 2 pics. One without markings so you can more easily see and 1 with for area discussion purposes. 

I would like to stick to easy plants that do not require co2. I do have liquid fertilizers and root tabs. Incase it plays a role in discussion, substrate is a fine gravel. 

First of all, would you move the Java fern (yellow) to the blue area?  Another option is a 2nd Java fern there or a different plant. 

For red I was considering another anubias Nana petite as it fits nicely. Another idea I has is to find something with a little color as an accent. I don't know enough about plant species to know what might fit that. Ideas either way?

Green area is the least I have thought about. I literally have no ideas here or if it even needs anything other than the fake taken out.



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On 4/26/2022 at 1:33 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I would like to stick to easy plants that do not require co2. I do have liquid fertilizers and root tabs. Incase it plays a role in discussion, substrate is a fine gravel. 

First of all, would you move the Java fern (yellow) to the blue area?  Another option is a 2nd Java fern there or a different plant. 

For red I was considering another anubias Nana petite as it fits nicely. Another idea I has is to find something with a little color as an accent. I don't know enough about plant species to know what might fit that. Ideas either way?

I am not sure of other plants/tanks you have going on so I think it's easiest to ask up front.  Is there a plant you have elsewhere that you don't want to repeat?

Are you looking for a "midground type" of plant in terms of the height it grows or are you just trying to find something that would be interesting for the scape in that location? Ease to maintain/grow is a plus?

It looks like a good place for something similar to Bolbitis heteroclita (blue area) or hygrophilia pinnatifida (yellow) behind the rock with the anubias nana petite (red) or staurogyne repens (green) up front.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 4/26/2022 at 4:51 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I am not sure of other plants/tanks you have going on so I think it's easiest to ask up front.  Is there a plant you have elsewhere that you don't want to repeat?

Are you looking for a "midground type" of plant in terms of the height it grows or are you just trying to find something that would be interesting for the scape in that location? Ease to maintain/grow is a plus?

It looks like a good place for something similar to Bolbitis heteroclita (blue area) or hygrophilia pinnatifida (yellow) behind the rock with the anubias nana petite (red) or sterogyne repens (green) up front.

That's good questions.  Other plants I have in the tank are amazon sword, tiger lotus and crypt wendetii water lettuce and a little of water wisteria that was floating and was recently planted in the substrate. In fry tanks I have floating water wisteria, Java moss and marimo moss balls. I am ok with repeating any or even moving them to this location. 

While typing I had an idea. Idk how well it would work. Use either the moss balls or Java moss to kinda create a carpet in green. Idk how that would look going from that to gravel. 

I googled imaged them all and hydrophilia pinnatifida stands out to me. I noticed it can be a range of colors. Is this different varieties or different conditions?  What kind of plant is it?  Is its care similar to another plant I might be able to relate to?

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On 4/26/2022 at 3:10 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I googled imaged them all and hydrophilia pinnatifida stands out to me. I noticed it can be a range of colors. Is this different varieties or different conditions?  What kind of plant is it?  Is its care similar to another plant I might be able to relate to?

I think I might have a video, the co-op used to stock it. They are having issues finding a farm to supply it because of the issue of where it comes from in the wild (removing it from the wild results in habitat getting destroyed, it's a whole thing).  So, Cory said he's waiting until they can source it properly until it shows up again, if it shows up again.  That being said.... It's a plant I am very, very interesting in finding as well. I enjoy the fern type of a look. It is a stem plant, so it's care is going to be exactly what you're doing.  coloration I believe varies based on the light itself (I could totally be wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure).  there are a lot of variations and alternatives with different leaf patterns as well, which might confuse things.


Edited by nabokovfan87
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