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Betta Fish Fungal Treatment Advice


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My betta is displaying signs of fin rot and a fungal infection. He had white coloration on his fin and I didn't notice what I think is fungus until I saw the fin deterioration. I started with treatment of Ich-X and Maracyn today (per this article). I am unclear if I should treat this as a minor or severe (should I wait a week to see if it clears up or should I dose both again tomorrow?). Hopefully the attached image helps someone with weighing in on that.

Additionally, the Ich-X instructions say to make at least 1/3 water change before another dose and the article linked doesn't mention any water changes (and the maracyn course of treatment says not to). I'm confused if I should do water changes if I'm running a more aggressive course of treatment?

Tank Info:
10 gallon planted tank with Betta, two amano shrimp, and various snails
pH: 7.4
Nitrates: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Ammonia: 0ppm
Temp: 80F

I've had him for about 18 months (to give you a general idea of age). I'll also note that I saw him flashing a little in recent weeks. I only noticed it a few times so I wasn't too concerned about it until these other signs of infection/stress/fungus manifested. I appreciate any help or guidance.



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With the fin rot  what I would do is increase water changes to lower the bacterial count in the water and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you will need 1 leaf per gallon to get a benefial effects and do a course of maracyn in food you add a quarter of a packet of maracyn one table spoon of pellets one scoop of seachems focus 1 cap of garlic guard a few drops of water mix well feed a small amount twice for 7 days store any leftover medicated food in the fridge

Edited by Colu
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