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Tank decorations


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Tank decorations, Can I use seashells preferably ones with a real smooth shiny texture in my fish tank. They came from the beach in Florida I’ve had them for 15 years sitting in a jar. I’m sure I can probably boil them in water

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I used to have a tank when My kids were little, 1988. And I had fake plants a little shipwreck that bubbled. I’m watching more of Aquarium Co-Op and learning a lot. Actually spending too much time doing that if I have my way I’ll have tanks on every wall of my house. But I need to start with my first one it has been a long time. I’m going to set up the tank and wait a good month. Put an old sponge from my granddaughters tank to jumpstart my tank yet still wait a couple weeks check my water perimeters and have a few live plants. Should I start with live plants before I add fish?

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I used to have a tank when My kids were little, 1988. And I had fake plants a little shipwreck that bubbled. I’m watching more of Aquarium Co-Op and learning a lot. Actually spending too much time doing that if I have my way I’ll have tanks on every wall of my house. But I need to start with my first one it has been a long time. I’m going to set up the tank and wait a good month. Put an old sponge from my granddaughters tank to jumpstart my tank yet still wait a couple weeks check my water perimeters and have a few live plants. Should I start with live plants before I add fish?

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As for shells, you can add them to your tank (many people add crushed coral to their substrate or filter to reduce pH, increase GH, etc.). Shells will break down over time in your aquarium water though, so know they may only last a short time. They break down faster the lower your pH is. 

As for live plants, like others have said, yes, add your plants while your tank is cycling. You will also want to "feed" your beneficial bacteria that you got in the sponge. Many people "ghost feed" their tank with a pinch of fish food.

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