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Cali’s New Tank Thread!


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On 6/9/2022 at 9:05 AM, sweetpoison said:

So every time I want to move a plant or something in this aquarium it is going to do dust up like this and then take three days to clear up?  That is total BS😡 I washed this  sand FOREVER!


I’m so annoyed I just want to rip it all out😢

What type of sand did you use?

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On 6/9/2022 at 7:56 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I thought of something else. If you are just using coarse sponge in your HOB and your sponge filter, you may want to add filter floss to it also. I found that coarse only was not enough to keep my water clear. This is the stuff I use, in addition to my coarse sponge.

So it should be arriving tomorrow the filter floss. Do I take out my other sponges? Because I just have a tiny filter only a 20 gallon long

Edited by sweetpoison
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Well I’ve been trying to cycle this thing for a week but I didn’t know how to throw in some ammonia. So I’m gonna do that right after I pop in the new filter plus. So should I take out my sponges and just use the filter floss because I’m going to add ammonia right after..

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