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The start of my Guppy line!


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So it's been a long time coming, but with the recent fruits of my guppies, it's time to start my strain. I'm going to focus on this vertical bar pattern with the metallic body. I'm going to start the strain by breeding the brothers and sisters of the last two broods to generate this color variation. I will then breed the males to a "basic" female of my yellow tiger king cobra line to see if I can move the strain towards the yellow dominance. I'm also going to breed two other females that are highly blue/yellow iridescent dominate. At the same time I'm going to breed my yellow king cobra males that are void of the black patches to the females of the vertical bar males. This will give me several variations to choose from. I will be splitting the trials into ponds for the summer. I'll do the trees on google sheets in a few weeks. With the close of my "mutt" guppy line I'll be able to focus on this exclusivly. I have decided to stop line breeding outside of this project. I love other strains but I want to focus on this for a year or so. I've gotten enough payout from other breeding projects and I'm ready to deep dive so to speak. ^_^ FYI these are not endler hybrids.

These boys are my inspiration. I'll upload more photos of the new "SP1" line soon.



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Here's a video of the three males I just picked out. The other guppies are just for my enjoyment. They're all going into the 75G male tank. Sadly I can't put any female mutt moms in here until the end of April so it's just a boys only tank for now (except the swordtails, and Corydoras).


Please excuse my boy making his new noises in the background. Most of my videos are like that. Mom life.

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So I've been doing research on these guppies I'm starting with. They're definitely Yellow Tiger Half Moon guppies. This is what happens when you order fish, especially female guppies, from certain retailers online. They send you things you didn't actually order. So, at least I know what they are now! A year later. >.> So, I may not start with them as I thought. We'll see. I have my eye on something more basic to get a baseline. I just really need 20 tanks for guppies. 😞 Though that is not happening this year.

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On 3/13/2022 at 8:26 PM, Minanora said:

Here's a video of the three males I just picked out. The other guppies are just for my enjoyment. They're all going into the 75G male tank. Sadly I can't put any female mutt moms in here until the end of April so it's just a boys only tank for now (except the swordtails, and Corydoras).


Please excuse my boy making his new noises in the background. Most of my videos are like that. Mom life.

I enjoyed the soundtrack (I have a 4-year old grandson).

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