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Finally Introducing


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Hey all!  I've been using this forum for a few months now so I decided to finally post here and introduce myself!  

I live in a small town in Southern Minnesota. If anyone lives around here LMK cause I would love to get to know people in the hobby in the area!  In addition to fish I have 2 cats. Lore is my 13 year old boy and Mikomi (Miko) is 9 months. 

I started the hobby in Novermber of last year so I'm pretty new but have learned a lot very fast. The first month I spent hours every day reading articles, listening to YouTube, and asking questions both here and on Facebook. Ofc, no matter how much you know, there is always more to learn!  The people on this forum have helped so much with that learning!  I appreciate everyone here so much!

I currently have 2 tanks running and 2 cycled and waiting for fry. My 10 gallon is currently a glo tank. Tbh, if I were to do it all over again I might not have gotten these fish, but I have them now so that's that. I have found it soothing to watch this tank if I'm too worked up to fall asleep so I guess it's not too bad. I just forsee wanting the space for fry in the future.  I do have 1 10g and 2 5g tanks for fry, but I know how fast guppies breed. 

My main tank is a 29 gallon community tank. It is currently housing 3 guppies (2 pregnant females), 7 panda cories (+1 fry I saw a week ago, who knows when or if I will see it again), 2 nerite snails and 2 mystery snails. My goal is to breed the guppies. Eventually I hope to house a decent number of males only in this tank and keep females in another.

The appearance of a panda cory has inspired me to try to possibly breed some of them. I'm honestly shocked a bred a cory before I bred a guppy but I've always liked to be unique!  I don't expect to have a huge amount of cories breeding, but it might be nice to have a few. Maybe increase my own numbers to 8-10. Maybe sell them to a friend or the LFS. 

The snails are a very recent addition for me. I REALLY hesitated to get snails. I especially hesitated to get mystery snails as I did not want to deal with clutches. I'm honestly pleasantly surprised with how much I am enjoying them. Nerites are kinda boring but the mystery snails are much more interesting than I expected. I think it also helps that I'm 90% sure I have 2 males so...NO CLUTCHES!!  I've only have them about a week and am not 100% confident in my sexing of the brown one but I think I'm safe. Also,  amazed at how well the snails have cleared up the algae on my tank walls. I had been scrubbing almost daily and now it's crystal clear!

Live plants is something I did not expect to do when I first started the hobby. I'm not much of a plant person. The more I learned about the benefits of plants, the more I realized it's something I needed to add. I have taken on plants one at a time, slowly gaining live and ridding fake. So far I am housing marimo moss balls, water lettuce, Java fern, and Java moss. I am not very happy with my Java moss and might get rid of it. I had planned on eventually growing enough to make a "tree" with it but I might give up and use the moss balls instead. The next plant I plan to add is tiger lotus.  Hopefully the coop has them in stock soon!  

Again, ty all for your help in the past and for your help in the future. Any tips that came to mind while reading this is welcome! 








Edited by Cinnebuns
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