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So, I think I'm doing the right combo....

I have a few fish with tattered fins, one with two small pale whitish flat spots, and one fish that is just resting on leaves and breathing.

Water parameters are good. No ammonia, no nitrite, <5 nitrate, pH 7.4, GH KH 12ish. Temp, 76.

I just dosed with maracyn, and jungle fungus fizz.

I think I did a dumb thing with the fizz.... Am I going to kill my amano shrimp with what I just did?

I can't catch them out. I'm just hoping they survive.... 🤦‍♀️20220216_184915.jpg.72dd1c42cdefa299ec08efd7456f9fc9.jpg20220216_184925.jpg.029400fb83a0860927efffadad1bde5a.jpg

And yeah I know, algae...  Working on it.

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I did turn on extra air this morning. I treated the water column with both meds, not maracyn in food. Kinda using it to wipe out BGA at the same time as I heal the children. That was my thought anyway.


I treated maracyn and jungle fizz in the water column of Arthur's 20G a few months back and it worked like a charm on stubborn multi treatment columnarus.

The rapid breathing is just that one juvenile swordtail.

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If your fish have an internal bacterial infection maracyn only effective at treating external infection unless add to food nitrofurazone can harm shrimp and snails jungal fungas clear fizz tabs have less of the active ingredient that furan2 had so hopefully your shrimp will be fine 

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On 2/16/2022 at 8:28 PM, Colu said:

If your fish have an internal bacterial infection maracyn only effective at treating external infection unless add to food nitrofurazone can harm shrimp and snails jungal fungas clear fizz tabs have less of the active ingredient that furan2 had so hopefully your shrimp will be fine 

That's a good point. I'm not entirely sure what to look out for when it comes to internal bacterial infections. How can I tell? I assumed the tattered fins (the guppies are the only ones with tattered/missing bits of tail fin) are from peers getting nippy while I was away for 5 days. Even with the auto feeder, new cattapa leaf and vacation feeder it seems like they got nippy without me giving them live bbs and their other treats/food rotation. The columnarus type spots I attributed to stress from the prior. Though his fins look perfect otherwise.

The only fish that's having unidentifiable issues is that juvie swordtail. Which, I'm pretty sure isn't parasites. I just treated that tank for all types of parasites as I do as a routine before I sell them. I was planning to take 20 swordtails to the LFS on Friday. But that's out of the cards until I can assure their health. This spell of fin trouble is unusual. It only popped up while I was gone. There's one more swordtail baby I just observed that has narrow pectoral fins, and is either clamping or is missing her top fin. Kind of like needle fin that you see with ammonia issues in young fry.

It's odd. Water is perfect. Water was perfect before I left. I did a 25% water change before I left as well.

Thank you for the insight on my shrimps. We'll see how they hold up. Fingers crossed.


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Columnaris can external and internal bacterial infection with bacterial fin rot that usually external for most other bacterial infections I treat with medication in food it very effective at treating external bacterial infections and internal bacterial when added food theirs a couple of antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex and maracyn2 that are adsorbed thought the skin and gills so they are good antibiotics for when fish aren't eating most antibiotic need to be added to food to treat internal bacterial infections

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I have medicated food on order. I don't want to blast the 75g with kanaplex unless I have no alternative. I know, I can make medicated food. I'm doing so. But I'm nervous and light handed with self prepared medications.

Good news, I saw the shrimp exhibiting usual behaviors last night.

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And.... I'm doing the recommended dose schedule that @Colu has for columnaris. Cleaned the tank from top to bottom today before starting treatment. Left canister as is. Day 1. Medicating nitrofurazone with food. So far the red boy is eating the medicated food as well. Fingers crossed.

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