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Honey Gourami Death


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Unfortunately lost my honey gourami this evening 😞 noticed some signs that may be related to it’s death, and was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience? He was hanging down at the bottom, or the top with little movement/swimming. Yesterday he looked better, but didn’t eat anything when I fed them. This evening I came home from work to see him dead at the bottom of the tank. I keep him with neon tetra, rummy nosed tetra, kuhli loaches, a peacock gudgeon, and a SAE. All of them are fine and very lively. After testing the water, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 30 nitrates, 7.2ph, 77 degrees. Has anyone noticed similar issues with this fish. Have had him for 6 months and never had an issue before. Changed 50% of the water this evening in case it was some kind of disease. Thanks for any help!

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I don’t want to say it was 100% just a random death, because disease could possibly be at play. But the same thing happened with a platy I owned that seemed very healthy and was even regularly reproducing, and then one night it was very lethargic at the bottom of the tank and just died. None of my other tank inhabitants were affected. I’ve seen other people mention singular random deaths with various other fish including gouramis. I’m not sure if it’s a genetic defect thing or what, but it seems to be something that happens.

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