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Holding plants until spring

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Today I received pearl weed, tiger lotus bulb, and baby tears that I ordered for my 55 tank build. Now it looks like that won't happen until spring. I have some 3 inch basket pots. What do these plants need so I can hold them until spring?  Can I just put them in a glass punch bowl full of well water? Do they need a heater? Should they have something like a sponge filter to keep the water moving? 

All advice is greatly welcomed.

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Okay, pearl weed and baby tears are pretty easy. You can do that with a 5 gallon bucket, an air stone, and a shop light. Put at 6500K bulb in a hardware store shop light and you have the cheapest plant light ever. Squirt nutes in this tank according to taste and nitrate testing if you have it. Feeding a 5 gallon bucket is about the same as feeding a 5 gallon aquarium. EXACTLY the same. Some plants may be sensitive to temp, but they will be far more forgiving than fish.

The bulb is going to be an issue. You just had to pick one of the biggest tank centerpieces available, right? You can maybe do that in it's own bucket with a similar set up. You.may or may not give up when you see how big it can get. If it is still in bulb form...stop reading this and leave it in bulb form. If not...beer brewing offers bigger buckets than 5 gallon. That's the cheapest path I can figure for you to Spring.

Good luck.

Edited by Buckman
Typos...always typos
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@Buckman Thanks for getting back to me. They will be going into a 55 gallon tank, once I can move the native fish out and clean it.

I have Easy Green liquid and root tabs. I put a tab in the pearl weed and baby tears they are in their net pots in a 2.5 tank.

I was planning on rooting the bulb in a net pot of substrate. It arrived as a bulb in wet rockwool with leaves that fell off, in the mail today. I would like to see if I can get some growth on it before moving it to the 55 tank.

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I do betta bulbs in pots all the time. Not with that particular bulb of yours. But why not? In fact I have this monster betta bulb that quickly filled my 20 gallon high. It was in a pot so I could move it. I highly recommend this for big bulbs. It took both hands to transfer this thing and it completely filled the bucket. It's just fine. No heat. Shop light 8 hrs a day. Three weeks now. Still going.

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