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Planted 75 gal with Co2 Filter Advice.

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What filters would everyone recommend for a 75 gal Planted Aquarium, with a Co2 set up? Mostly small schooling fish. Just want to make sure there is enough flow to move the Co2 evenly and keep the plants healthy while not stressing the Nano fish.

Stock List.

Sterbia Corydora, Harlequin Rasbora, Oto Cats, Dwarf Chain Loaches, Peacock Gudgeons, Pearl Gouramis, Cardinal Tetra, and Celestial Pearl Danios.



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I would recommend canisters. This way you can add spray bars, surface skimmers and better CO2 reactors.

I run an Eheim Pro4 600 and an Eheim Classic 2215 (modified with a stronger pump). If I could do it over, I would have gone with a single Eheim 2080 or 2180

This offers about 10x turn over per hour.

Here's the tank, unfortunately I have too many species in this picture. I'm in the process of a massive reduction and scape.

75 G.jpg

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