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Staurogyne Repens Died!

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So, I bought some Staurogyne Repens because I liked the idea of having a carpeting plant in my tank. The plants arrived ok. I put the plant in my tank and gave the plant some ferts and waited. A week or 2 later it was gone. It turned brown and melted. I only have one tiny piece that probably won't make it. What happened? 

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On 12/27/2021 at 10:08 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

Probably low light and low CO2. 

What's your GH and KH? How much fertilizer are you dosing a week?

There's also a specific disease this plant can suffer from. 

My lights are high and I don't use co2. My GH is 300 and my KH is 180. I am dosing the tank with liquid ferts 2x a week (1.6 ML 2x a week). And root tabs 1x a month.

Edited by FishPlanet
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On 12/29/2021 at 8:45 AM, FishPlanet said:

My lights are high and I don't use co2. My GH is 300 and my KH is 180. I am dosing the tank with liquid ferts 2x a week (1.6 ML 2x a week). And root tabs 1x a month.

I think it's a combo of several things. Mostly low CO2, high GH and high KH. Possibly low fertilizer too.

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