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Moving and Shrimp


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I have two questions, The more prevalent issue is that I want to get some Amno Shrimp for my 20 gal, the current PH is 8.0 and should be able to get adjusted with some leaves but he KH is very high around 14-15. I want to know should I just adjust for the Ph or do I need to change the KH first. I do understand that KH is what helps prevent large changes in PH but I figured since my PH only needs a small change, I would be able to adjust the ph without worrying about KH for the shrimp.

The second question is that after this winter break I want to move my tank to university with me but I am not sure what the best method of transporting the tanks would be it is a 5 hour total drive. Any ideas welcome.

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If it was me and I was wanting to lower my PH and KH I would use Distilled/RO  water. I believe the PH should be neutral at 7 and by just using the RO water it will natuarally bring down the GH and KH of the tank. I would start with doing smaller water changes that way the live stock will slowly adjust to it. 

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