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Getting Kids Involved


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We're working on getting my 7 year old more interested in reading, and based on a suggestion from his teacher he's started reading to our fish. It's pretty awesome actually beause you can tell them to "make sure you show the fish the pictures" and (since fish think they're going to be fed anytime anyone approaches the tank) when the child holds the book up to show the fish, they all come crowding around to look (for food) at the pictures.  The idea hadn't ever occurred to me before.  Anyone else have cool things you've tried with your kids to get them interacting with your fish? 


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Thanks!  Got that as a free piece when I bought some local snails and shrimp.  It's one of my favorite plants now and I've cut off huge chunks to use in my other tanks (grows like a weed...unlike the Java fern that barely hangs on).  I like the bright green contrast with the other plants.

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