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Koi Angel and Tetras


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Hey all,

I’m considering getting a koi angel with my tetras. I have 5 lemon tetras, 7 king blue tetras, and 8 ember tetras. My tank is 30 gallons and I have some bottom dwellers too (4 Pygmy corys, 1 clown pleco, and 1 cockatoo cichlid). Will I have any issues with overcrowding/fin nipping?

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I would almost be worried about the angels eating the embers.  I fed guppy culls to my angels.  over crowding may be an issue   all the other fish are pretty small but angels need their room.  For perspective, I have 8 (4 golden 4 dragon koi) angels in a 65 and I dare not put any more due to territorial issues between the males.  I think your major problem will be between the embers and angels.  yeah the angels will be small for now but they can get pretty big and yes they will eat other fish.  but it might work.  Have a back up tank, just in case

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