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Panda Cory - White Growth


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Hello Everyone. 
I'm need help identifying some growth on one of my panda corys. There seems to be a large white growth on the tail and one of the eyes look like there is something covering it. 

Tank/ water 

10 Gal 

temp - 74.3

nitrate - 10 

Nitrite - 1 

GH - 200

KH - 40

ph - 6.8 

Chlorine - 0

ammonia - 0 

(tested with Aquarium co-op test strips) 

I'm planning to get a 5 gal quarantine tank setup later today and do a 30 - 50% change on the main tank. I also order some API® FIN & BODY CURE POWDER



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The white patch on his tail is a fungal infection I would treat with ick x cloudy eye can be caused by poor water quality or bacterial infection as you have nitirtes of 1 I would do daily water changes and add prime to detoxify any nitrites as ick x requires daily water changes that will help get your nitrites down while also treating the fungal infection

Edited by Colu
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We are now in day 1.5 of treatment. I bought a 5 gal starter kit to use as a quarantine tank, but the hanger filter was too power for the little guy. The filter did not have any flow adjustments, so I moved him back to the main tank. Yesterday I did a 50% water change and added API® FIN & BODY CURE POWDER. This morning I notice the fungal infection grew. It was then covering both sides of the tail. The eye remained the same condition. Today I've done a 80% water change, continuing with the fin & body cure powder. It looks like the fin and body powder is more for bacterial infection, so I've added Pimafix for the fungal infection. However; I think due to the weight of the fungus growing on the tail it started to tear off. Just a few mins ago the majority of the tail has fallen off. I've remove the fungus infected tail from the tank. I've also raised the water temp from 74°F to 76°F. Tomorrow I plan to do a 25 - 50% water change and continue with both fin and body powder and Pimafix. 

The nine neon tetra and the other two panda corys look healthy and are active. I'm not seeing any stressful behaviors.

Nine hours after the water change the water is currently 

nitrate - 0 

Nitrite - 0 

GH - 200

KH - 40

ph - 6.8 / 7 

Chlorine - 0

ammonia - 0 

(tested with Aquarium co-op test strips) 

I've attached a photo of the tail loss. Google has me hopeful that it will grow back. 

The three Corys are named Larry, Curly and Moe. The one that is giving me all the trouble is Curly. 



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