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Plants: Temperature and Sand


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Hey all,

Looking for plants that can live in temperatures of 84°F-85°F (if there are any). Trying to see what options I have for a discus tank. Also, sand. I’ve heard both no and yes. Do plants grow okay in sand? I know you’ll have to root tab the sand if they’re root feeders and prevent toxic bubbles by combing out the sand once in a while. But I’ve heard both they can’t and can’t grow. Thoughts?

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All my tanks have sand substrate. I do not have more than a one inch thick layer, and I do not fertilize. I let the mulm and critter waste act as fertilizer. More recently, though, I have added a lot more plants that have higher nutrition requirements, so I have been using root tabs. Also, I never disturb the substrate.

I have never kept discus, but had a Betta that lived in a warm tank with anubias, anacharis, and of course, duckweed.

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Hi @Zac

I keep Red Spot Green Discus in a planted tank with HTH Pool Filter Sand substrate.  The tank temperature is 86 F and I have grown the following species in the tank with them successfully:

Rotala H'ra
Myriophyllum 'Guyana'
Bacopa colorata
 Limnophila aromatica "Wavy"
Ludwigia arcuata X repens
Rotala ‘Bangladesh’
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Nymphaea hydrophylla (aka sp. ‘Taiwan’)
Barclaya longifolia Red
Ludwigia polycarpa
Java Fern 'Trident'
Java Fern 'Windelov'

My tank does have CO2 and I do dose ferts.  Hope this helps! -Roy


2021-01-08 30 Gallon Discus (2) Cropped Adj Sn Sm.JPG

Edited by Seattle_Aquarist
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