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Hospital tank? Sick/dying CPD?


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I have 1 little CPD who's just laying on a plant not moving. I thought it was dead but I got a different angle and can see it's gills moving. The other 4 seem fine, and yesterday all of them seemed fine. I was thinking I should pull it out and put it in a hospital tank with air stone and heater. There is nothing obviously physically wrong with it, so aside from maybe some aquarium salt? Not sure how to treat it. And I can't remember how much salt to add to a gallon? I have both aquarium salt and Epsom, and I have heard people use both, but not sure which would be more appropriate in this case? Any other suggestions welcomed ...

PS I can't take water perameters yet, as I am disabled and don't have help for a few more hours. I'm just trying to get a game plan for when I do, if it's still alive. 

PSS I do have multiple different antibiotics on hand if needed - Kanaplex and API MELAFIX, plus another that I can't think of the name.

Edited by Jennifer
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Hi Jennifer, sorry your CPD is sick. If you think a fish is sick it is always a good idea to isolate and observe until you know how to further treat. Aquarium salt might be a good place to start. Here is a helpful ACO link to using salt: 



Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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