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Test drops to control algea

Karen B.

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I don’t like real plants but, when I saw what a difference it makes for the fish, I went 100% live plants.

Overall, I manage it well except some hair algea here and there but nothing too serious. It’s another story for my 20 gallons community tank. I get many types of algae- black beard for sure, and some other green kind.) I do spot treat with seachem excel and it sorta works but I would rather find the problem and work on a permanent solution. I really hate the look of algea. Twice I lost control/bothered me enough for me to move all the plant in a bucket and do the shock exel treatment (24 hours in a double dose, 24 hour in normal water, then repeat the double dose). It works but it stresses the fish when I rescape and the plants too. 

It’s a community tank, 20 gallons high, ph about 6.8, 0/0/10.

My kh is low at 0-1 and I am working on raising it with seachem alcaline. Gh is 9. 

Temps is 75. Fully planted. 8 hours of light (Nicrew LED WBR$ I have 1 HOB filter (aqueon quietflow 30) and a medium aquarium coop sponge filter). I use prime, stability, aquarium coop easy green (sometimes thrive instead), I have iron and potassium (just never really sure if/when to add some) and I use seachem root tabs. 

population : 1 honey gourami, 7 chili rasbora (will add more 10 soon), 3 otocinclus and corydoras… 4 adults and babies and more babies (I will be setting up a 5 gallons tank to transfer the babies because my cory breed like rabbits and it throw my water parameters out of whack and bothers my honey gourami… except when he hunts and eats the tiny fry)

I am not very good at the whole : do this and observe kind of methodology so I am thinking about buying test drops. But they seem rare and kinda expensive. I know Irene made a video on it and I will rewatch it but I would like your opinion/toughts/suggestions. What to buy, where (I live in Canada), what time it’s the best to add exel or any type of fertilizer, etc…

Sadly CO2 is not an option right now, too expensive. I tried the 2 fluval kits, very bad experience with both of them.

Thank you!

PS: Yes, in the 2nd picture there is a cory stuck in the cholla wood. No worries, I freed him and he was not injured. Ah, corydoras 😅



Edited by Karen B.
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That tank looks pretty good to me. I would just fertilize the plants and feed the fish and let it ride for a couple months. A little algae doesn't hurt anything. You mentioned being in control, you're mostly not. It's a little  ecosystem that will react how it wants. How you influence it should be done in baby steps with lots of time between. 

As you probably already know, Excel kills algae but also harms a lot of other plants. I have some but use it as a last resort.

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