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Managing Apisto Aggression


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I have a pair of apistos in a 29 gallon and one of them is a bit aggressive towards the other. This has been an ongoing issue since I’ve gotten them. One roams around and forces the other into a corner. There’s plenty of caves and plants to each have their own territory. But one has managed to claim the whole tank….multiple times. I’ve tried rearranging. I don’t have a box for a “time out”. I have a 10 gallon shrimp tank but he’ll eat my baby shrimp that are in there. I’d rather not give him up but I’m getting fed up with the aggression. Any suggestions on how I can stop it? A 29 gallon should easily be able to hold 2 apistos. I’ve attached a picture of my setup.


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If their male that could explain the aggression your seeing I would put some plants in the middle of the tank that reach to the surface to to divide the tank in two so they can both have a territory  add some more wood or rocks so less dominant individual can keep out of the way

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