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Quarantining 2bettas in the same tank

Karen B.

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I would like to buy 2 bettas and quarantine them at the same time in the same tank. It’s a 10 gallons, cycled. My other 10 gallons isn’t ready yet (have to wash it/disinfect it with bleach, wait a week to make sure it’s dry, then will start it).

I will be buying a male and a female. Which of these 2 options would be the best (or if you have other suggestions)

I have a tank divider but it’s in wire mesh (made for aquarium, used usually to grow moss). Problem is, the betta could see each other as I have nothing to put to block the view

Otherwise, I have the large fluval box that hang on the outside of the aquarium. I could put a cardboard between the 2 so they wouldn’t see each other. And it’s the same water that flow/circulate. My only issue is that it’s pretty small (half a gallon) and it would be for a month.

what do you all think? The male would be a dumbo plakat, the female is a dragon halfmoon


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