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Cleaning nets

Jeremy B

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How are you all cleaning your nets to keep from transferring diseases from tank to tank? I use this on my SS planting/water change tools as well. First I let my nets completely air dry and then I am using a mixing tub from lowes/homedepot so I can completely submerge my nets. I add ~3 teaspoons of Potassium Permanganate (I just want the water to turn a dark purple) and let sit for ~20 minutes, remove and let completely dry again. I picked this up from a few people in my local aquarium club, join your local club! Of course read up on the dangers of Potassium Permanganate before you handle it. Do not use dechlorinator with this as it will neutralize the Potassium Permanganate quickly.




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I do the same as Cory. My hot tap comes out at 130F. I spray the the net off good with the hottest water I can then just air dry. Sometimes I don’t even let them dry before using again. I’ve also never had any issues that I can recall from doing this. 

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2 hours ago, Cory said:

We use hot tapwater then air dry. Haven't ever had disease spread much, both at home and the retail store. 

Really glad to hear this... I always do this and now I won't have that nagging feeling that I should have soaked them in something! 

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