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Duckweed, love it or hate it, it makes great food -well for fishes and shrimps anyhow :)


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Posted this about 8 months ago on another forum, edited it here for relevance.

Duckweed food
Inspired by Marks Shrimps - https://marksshrimptanks.com/

Basically get a boatload of duckweed, my first batch I used about a half gallon. My next batch I'm going to make thicker and will probably use the whole gallon freezer bag. Take your duckweed, some spirulina, bee pollen, and some bentonite clay. You could add repashy powder as well. then dump it in a blender and make a smoothy. Spread it out on a pan (I lined mine with wax paper) and let it dry. Cut or break it into pieces, I kept mine in the fridge and it lasted until I used it all up 2 to 4 months later. Check out Marks video, he explains and shows you how he does it better than I do.

I had been throwing away buckets of duckweed (this was before it was warm enough to feed to my goldfish), and finally decided to do something with it. Besides the duckweed I have bee pollen, spirulina and some bentonite clay. A half gallon of duckweed filled up a cookie pan. It turned out pretty good, the shrimp and otos love it!

Some things I discovered.
1) I should not spread it so thin next time on the wax paper, it came out like a green fruit roll up lol.
2) takes a few days to dry depending on how thick you spread it
3) It lasts a long time in tank before breaking down.
4) The ingredients only cost me about 24 dollars and will probably last me a year.
5) I need to measure how much of each ingredient, I'm really bad about that and regret it later..

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