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Molly fish large white spot/wound on side


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A week ago I noticed a large white spot on one of my male molly fish.  Water parameters were normal for tank (picture of test strip below) Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate between 25 and 50, Hardness > 150, Buffer >40, PH 7.2 -7.6, Chlorine 0, and temperature 78° F. 

Molly1.jpg is picture from last week.  I did a 50% water change at that time and otherwise adopted a wait and see approach.  Tank mates are other Molly fish, a Cobalt angelfish, some Corydoras and Ottos.  No changes in stocking levels in past 8 months.  I have not noticed any new aggression beyond what is normally displayed between the male mollys.  

Molly2.jpg and Molly3.jpg are taken today.  the affected area seems to be slowly spreading but fish seems otherwise unaffected.  It is eating/behaving normally.  

Water parameters are same as last week (seasoned tank so they're pretty steady).

Any thoughts appreciated. 

*Edit* To add no other fish in tank show any similar signs. 






Edited by mpm42
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Looks like an injury to me could have swim into something in the tank I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for 1 week if you have live plants  you could do a course of maracyn to cover against any secondary bacterial infections settings in on the wound

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That fix has been in his hospital tank for a week with no real change for better or worse, but a female black molly now has what I would call a distended lower jaw and swollen gills.  Sorry for the quality of photos, phone did not want to focus on the all black fish.

Water parameters are still same (Checked with both coop strips and the api test kit).  I did an additional water change two days ago.

Moved this fish into the quarantine with salt for now as well, but still thinking maracyn?



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It could be bacterial infection causeing the swollen gill as for the jaw issue  possible broken jaw or some bacterial infection can affect the jaw I would keep treating with aquarium salt but I would up the amount of aquarium salt to 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and do a course of maracyn 

Edited by Colu
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  • 2 months later...

I wanted to provide an update. Shortly after my last post the female black molly succumbed to her infection. The Male continued on and healing took a bit of time, but eventually made a full recovery. 

I moved him back into the main tank last week and the next morning I found out the original cause. A female molly in the tank was chasing him around and attacking him right in the side. 

Back to the beginning on healing, but now I at least know the cause.


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