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Identifying Algae Type and Treatment

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The plants in the tank were flourishing with no algae until an aquarium heater malfunctioned and overheated the aquarium to 105 degrees, killing all the angel fish. Afterward, new fish were introduced and extreme ich treatments interfered with the stability of the tank, affecting the plants and introducing an algae infestation.


There are black “spots” covering the older plant growth and on hardscape that is hard and cannot be removed (not present on glass), spreading to newer growth after about 2 weeks. Photos are below.  Also, there is green algae on the plants, glass, and hardscape that scrapes off in flakes from the glass with the scraper blade but cannot be removed from the plants. There were ramshorn snails in the tank prior to the acaras ingesting them. 




Nitrates: 25

Phosphates: 1-1.5 (with added Phosguard, Tap water : 2 ppm)

Kh: 3

Gh: 9

Lighting: Current Satellite LED Plus Pro, 7 hrs, 100% intensity

Tank Size: 56 gallons, ht:  25”; length: 30" 

Plants: cryptocorne, sword, bolbitis, red lotus

Fertilizer: Aquarium Co-op Easy Green once a week, Easy Iron once a week; (previously Seachem Excel daily)

Filter: Fluval 407 and sponge filter with Seachem Purigen

Flow: Circulation pump and air stone

Water changes: 40% every 3 weeks

Stock: 2 Electric blue acara, 6 panda garras; 2 nerite snails


Would CO2 injection help to correct this issue?

Thank you for your time and help,

Byron Russell

algea tank.jpg

algea1 tank.jpg

Algea tanks.jpg

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Co2 might help but I wouldn't count on it. I would try to do water changes a little more frequently, maybe 25% every week. Also, try turning the intensity of your light down. Maybe turn it to 50-80%, the algae could have grown because your light is at 100% intensity. The buildup of algae might've occurred because you are dosing without taking the extra nutrients out. So try to do the water changes weekly and see if that helps, if it doesn't help, I would try to maybe scrape as much off as you can and maybe the snails will take care of it. It looks like brown algae or diatoms, so maybe try putting the flow where most of the algae is. 

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