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  1. This forum topic is a great idea and thank you for giving me a place to record my re-entry to the hobby, and my first time keeping fancy goldfish! After 2 weeks of dumping Fritz 7 & Fritz “Fishless Fuel” into the tank, and futile attempts to get some live media from a local store or hobbyist, I ordered 2 active sponge filters from AngelsPlus.com. They did the trick and the tank parameters have been solid since. Added my new goldfish on Thursday with a plan to move 2 of them outdoors to a 70 gallon pond/water feature. Acclimated the little guys in their bags for 20 minutes and set them free. The little red cap Oranda was quickly dubbed Braveheart, because he jumped out of the bag and practically demanded food as though he’d lived here always. Next came the little red and white Oranda, named Wiley, because although he hid quite a bit, he has proven incredibly great at snagging all the food away from the bigger, slower Ranchus! I test the water neurotically 2x daily and the parameters have remained solid: 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite, 5-10 nitrate, 8.2 ph, 70 degrees. I had a visit from my local fish tender to take a look at the fish and my setup. He noticed a couple of little “zits” on Marilyn, one of my Ranchus. I’m super fortunate to have an aquatic veterinarian in my area and made an appointment on June 2 to have an exam (she can’t come sooner). The seller, King Koi Goldfish, has been super responsive and attentive to my questions about this fish and reassuring that it’s most likely nothing to worry about. I hope it’s nothing, because I am already attached to all these little guys and frankly I can’t even imagine moving them outside! Also surfing CraigsList for a bigger tank. LOL. Today I did a very small 3 gallon water change just to get some of the obvious fish poop off the substrate. That didn’t even really drop the nitrates. I’ve already gotten embroiled in watching the “controversy” between an elderly PhD who advocates anoxic plenum filtration. I remember my first aquarium had an under gravel filter when I was a teenager… things most likely have advanced a bit since then. But it’s all an interesting chance to learn.
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