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  1. Hi all I'm in the process of breaking down my 55 gallon tank and eventually setting it back up but not within the next two months. I dont have another tank to store the fish in (rainbow shark and platys). Would it be feasible to temporarily home the fish for up to 90 days in something like an igloo cooler? I see people using plastic totes but I figured a cooler would be much stronger and the plastic should be safe... Of course I would use a hang on back filter and gravel/wood from the established tank.
  2. I just received some plants from Aquarium Co-Op, and I tried to time it out for when my tank would be ready for them, but I had some mishaps and won't be able to put the plants in for about another week. Is this setup OK for the interim (water is dechlorinated and lightly dosed with some liquid fertilizer)? Any other/better suggestions? Plants are just some Java Moss and Monte Carlo. Thanks!!
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