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  1. Is this tail rot? He’s a half moon. I’ve had him almost 2 yrs. The upper section of his tail looks a little torn. No ragged pieces hanging off. I have several seriyu stone pieces and live plants. No sharp spider wood or other artificial decorations. He’s in a 10 gal with only a single oto. He’s eating and swimming normally. Per master test kit this morning: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 I can’t seem to get any nitrates. I have a ton of frogbit pH: 7.6
  2. fin rot help please friends! I have some Fritz Mardel Maracyn II on hand (not the type that’s part of the med trio suggested by the coop- I think that’s regular Maracyn). Anyone have experience with this product curing fin rot? Is it ok to use this instead? If so, should I dose the same as suggested by aquarium coop or follow instructions on the box? My betta is in a 20 gallon community tank. He used to be “fine” (no fin issues) for 3 years but the last 6 months he’s having fin rot issues. I keep the tank clean (regular water changes, always 20ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia or nitrite, temp is 79, lots of plants (stem, floating, and bulb). I have endlers and Cory cats with him. Running a sponge filter. Something is stressing him out I guess? I would suspect the Endlers, but I never see him chasing them or the corys. I have a quarantine tank but have no space for a permanent tank for just him to be moved to. thank you for any advice!!
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